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* Topics:
n1ck 17 days
(new) Bible Scriptures pinned [1478]
Grace and peace to all who enter here! Brothers and sisters, let us post scriptures from the Bible here daily to uplift and strengthen our faith, and
n1ck October 2015
(new) Gladly Suffering. (5)
More beautiful people brutally beaten, tortured, r*ped, beheaded and crucified in Syria. Their crime? Loving Jesus Christ.
n1ck August 2014
(new) A Letter to the Caliph [19]
Tim Keesee, the founder and executive director of Frontline Missions International, has written an excellent letter to the Caliph regarding his moveme
n1ck June 2014
(new) So how's this for an idea? [90]
Hey all. Its been quite a whie since I frequented these forums (about 2 years I think). I've been visiting the forum again the past few days and I see
n1ck January 2014
(new) The Slippery Slope of Sin [17]
'New-born humans are neither persons nor quasi-persons, and their destruction is in no way intrinsically wrong.'-Dr. Michael Tooley, Professor of Ethi

* Replies:
n1ck 17 days
John 7:37-38 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever beli
n1ck October 2015
1) Jesus 2) Jesus 3) Jesus 4) Because that's how Jesus designed the universe 5) Jesus
n1ck October 2015
Heart-breaking. This is really heart-breaking. We think we suffer because we had a bad day at work, while a man has to watch as his 12 year old son's
n1ck July 2014
I'm very sorry to hear of this terrible news. Sad, sad loss. Thoughts and prayers with you and especially your friends, miaiad.
n1ck June 2014
@ dgsn - 25.06.14 - 06:58pm Im just an argumentative pr*ck and as far as Im concerned many christians upho

* Favourites:
fireyes June 2013
(new) atheist corner [15149]
come one and all, atheist and agnostics or anyone that wont get offended. post your beliefs. post what you believe in from nothing to a belief in mank

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