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s.mcclel »
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* Topics:
s.mcclel July 2015
(new) Gods Religon [41]
Do you believe that our perception of God and Religon as a whole is solely a human planetary restriction or do you believe it's possible that if the l
s.mcclel May 2014
(new) In my honest opinion...(IMHO) (4)
I couldn't have said this better myself................I think he's spot on lmao.gif
s.mcclel May 2014
(new) The number 14 [92]
It has some form of importance in the Islamic belief system does it not?.Osiris lived for 28 years and was cut into 14 pieces which is representative
s.mcclel May 2014
(new) Russian Proton rocket [27]
It's all over the net that a UFO has taken out a Russian Proton rocket(live footage available)but when I seen it I instanty thought couldn't it have b
s.mcclel May 2014
(new) Wouldn't you say (4)
that it is pretty nieve to believe that even one single man on this planet can fully know the whole truth of humanity's history both biologically and

* Replies:
s.mcclel July 2015
The practicing witches you speak of have all conjoured up a spell and now can only be found on a higher plain.....and its name be Facebook.
s.mcclel July 2015
possibly? or cause a direct threat to many religious beliefs and teachings....?
s.mcclel June 2015
I have to ask if your paster was a registered doctor to begin with?Secondly did you visit the hospital to verify it was broken and if so did they give
s.mcclel March 2015
Well it's already been done with the water in Ireland at least charged twice for the same charges.
s.mcclel March 2015
I'd imagine you'd be stepping into your local chapel to ask them....

* Favourites:
obsidian21 April 2014
(new) Joining a Pentecostal church [45]
Recently my mom discovered this church where she lives now and, joined it. She sent me to that church too and I like the way those ppl pray but I have

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