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mr.krabs »
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* Topics:
mr.krabs April 2014
(new) Can't we all get along? [12]
Here's a great song for the Christians and Muslims out there and it is sung by a former p*rn star turned blues woman. Turn it up! https://www.yout
mr.krabs March 2014
(new) What happens to the others? [257]
So many religions in this world, and i suppose only one must have it right... or maybe because there are so many, none of them are right. Anyway, if u
mr.krabs November 2012
(new) 7 deadly sins... and gay people [42]
What percentage of people that preach against homosexuality are guilty of violating any or all of the 7 deadly sins? What about the 10 commandments?
mr.krabs March 2012
(new) What if... [32]
What if god is actually a jokster? The bible and quaran and other tools of religion were all a big set up for god's entertainment. Everything was put

* Replies:
mr.krabs January 2021
...the good old days. Sigh.
mr.krabs April 2018
@ jlh1182 - 24.08.17 - 09:47pm USA are to blame for creating civil war in Syria, lybia, Yemen.. Try your l
mr.krabs April 2016
@ xfrankie - 27.11.15 - 04:06pm Yes, He's called Jesus The Christ, as far history til today is concerned,
mr.krabs October 2015
Very nicely said.
mr.krabs August 2015
Christians will quote the bible all day to fight homosexualality, but they won't do it for so many other so-called sins. Why? Because that is a sin t

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