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roohhaq »

* Topics:
roohhaq August 2014
(new) Technology... (8)
What technologies came from God(s)? This question was asked by Rools (read @ news24) and is the most commented question by the readers...
roohhaq July 2014
(new) 'Itikaf... [11]
Soon Itikaf is to be performed in the last ten days of Ramadan.Muslim males will be performing Itikaf in Masjids n Muslim females will be performing I
roohhaq July 2014
(new) SURAH AL ASR - TIME... [15]
Although Surah Al Asr is short,it consists of 3 verses,revealed in Mecca,it is comprehensive in meaning.Its said that if this Surah is recited with co
roohhaq July 2014
(new) Tarawih... [23]
Tarawih has 2 start from the evening that the Ramadan moon is sighted n has to be discontinued in the evening that the Eid moon is sighted. It starts
roohhaq June 2014
(new) The importance of Sehri /Suhur during Ramadan... [13]
To partake of Sehri is Mustahab but many people are deprived of this reward simply because of their laziness...not getting up from their sleep to perf

* Replies:
roohhaq August 2014
By simply letting people casually know yr religion... will allow that religion 2 become less foreign 2 them...
roohhaq August 2014
One should never be ashamed of practicing their religion - not making a show of it... Just accomplish the positive by achieving dialogue... By providi
roohhaq August 2014
People of all faiths are constantly quoting their religious text... The dropping of quotes from different faiths will most probably spark some interes
roohhaq August 2014
Its foretold that the disasters of wars would continue until the appearance of the dajjal, the final Ameer, the descension of Hazrat Eesa(as), Yajooj
roohhaq August 2014
Signs of Qiamat / Qiyamat - One of The Foretold occurrence: The rate of wars would greatly increase and become a common occurrence...

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