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* Topics:
tinytaxi May 2013
(new) I Believe [42]
That there actually is a higher power, but that no religion has any more knowledge of it than cattle in a field do. I see religions as the ruling part
tinytaxi May 2013
(new) Did God Abandon Us [28]
So he sends his son to Earth, who does lots of good things for us and teaches us how to be good, and then he is betrayed, and killed on a cross in ret
tinytaxi May 2013
(new) George Carlin On Religion [27]
When it comes to bulls**t, big-time, major league bulls**t, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims
tinytaxi May 2013
(new) Isaac Asimov On The Bible [23]
To be sure, the Bible contains the direct words of God. How do we know? The Moral Majority says so. How do they know? They say they know and to doubt

* Replies:
tinytaxi May 2013
I'm offeneded by both, the Muslim world is draconian, and the west is all about money first, people second. They both suck, can we call it a draw and
tinytaxi May 2013
good man, idk why people want to rot in a box instead of helping humanity, actually I do, they are stupid lol
tinytaxi May 2013
Maybe he didn't get enough attention from his mum chin
tinytaxi May 2013
So he created man to worship him? (arrogant) And he gave him rules and punishes him for eternity for breaking his rules? (control freak) And he stays
tinytaxi May 2013
I understand perfectly what I believe. good It's your beliefs that I'll never understand. I wish

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