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Groups » tahtah's Groups
users tahtah's Groups (Joined):

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Do you like scary movies? I dare you to enter. From Zombies to chainsaw maniac killers to vengeful dolls to psychotic cl0wns and dem0nic houses.... Everyone has a fav0rite.
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If You're black,or really like black people!
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This site is intended 2 connect people who share an intrest in controversial religions like wicca, vampirism and lifestyles like being a goth.
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You think you are a genius when it comes 2 math then come on in, you have trouble with a math prob leave it here nd let the pros do it,you want to learn mo about maths then you are in the right place,you are free to ask,solve nd bring que.
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a place wher witches get together !
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Darksome night & shining moon, hearken 2 the witches' rune. East then South, West then North, Hear! Come! I call thee forth!
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Paranormal/occult beliefs
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Spiritual advancement and occult knowledge(Do mind the group name though, it is an ERROR)
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Only d best black hunks in dis group!

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