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. .. We think we know why such urgency is nearly extinct in modern Christianity. Reformation theology threw out the baby with the water. In reaction to the works-righteousness of Catholicism, Reformation thinkers decided that nothing one did as an expression of faith could be considered connected with salvation. Sola fide has come to define faith as the acquiescence of the intellect to the reality of God and nothing more.To further distance works from salvation, these theologians have decided that faith itself is a gift from God, so that man has absolutely nothing to do with receiving his salvation. All that is left then is the reinterpretation of the Acts conversion passages from the premise that no one does anything to receive his salvation. Thus, it is necessary for editors of todays popular study Bibles to put footnotes on every one of the passages in Acts that mention baptism to make sure no one thinks it is really a part of the conversion process. Presto, revisionist theology! One small problem which no one seems to think is important: the urgency factor in those stories. Will someone please tell Paul that he didnt really have to get up in such a hurry, that his sins had already been washed away before he was baptized? That Ananias, Gods agent to Paul, had just gotten caught up in some water regeneration fallacy? And tell the eunuch that he didnt have to be baptized in a mud hole alongside the road? And the jailer that he could have waited until the Celebration of Christian Baptism next Sunday at church? Not us.By William Pile

Group Founder: lunpu
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Members: 2
Category: Business, Work, and School > General

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