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Star 3DPrinting
Rapid prototyping, printers and CAD

3D Printers ar available for under 300 now, and can produce almost anything you can imagine... It's an amazing technology with lots of quirks but seemingly endless possibilities.Print mechanical parts, jewelery, toys, medical prostheses, repair stuff around the home or simply print 3D scans of yourself and your cat ;-) Feel free to join and discuss printers, software or project ideas.

Group Founder: schorhr
Group Type: Public join
Members: 2
Category: Technology, Internet & Wireless > General

Topics (1)
schorhr November 2013
3D printers and projects (0)
Welcome to this new group! I currently own a UP and a Printrbot LC, and perhaps next year a Peachy Printer. I have also helped to build

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