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Star Drunk
Com her if ur drunk! Yay

Come here and hav a booze with typically drunken folk. Yayyyy

Group Founder: dshydave
Group Type: Public join
Members: 28
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (8)
lucretia 2010
rabble rabble!! (0)
gaaaah.. does it maketh sense?!
0red0 May 2009
JB kicks JDs as* any day o the (0)
I would like to take this opportunity to say that jack daniels tastes like wot i imagine an alcoholic's ring piece to taste like. Long live jim beam,
lily23 May 2007
Whats ur Favorite drink? (7)
Lol mine z a hurricane n 57chevy Mmm lol drunk.gif
inkdbety May 2007
Sue jack daniels! (2)
Last nite i had a run in with an old friend of mine. Everythng was cool, everyone was feelin fine. Then he up and hit me wit the ole dance fl0or, law
thebrook May 2007
<Hey group your to quiet out there!!!!> (3)
&lt;Hey are you still resting your nerves from your last drink? Lets do it again&amp;you party animals.hiccup. Lol&gt;

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