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Star Multilingual
Welcome to IntChat, the International Chat room dedicated to helping people from all countries, learn new languages!

You will become multilingual, an expert translator & a huge contributor to IntChat! Gain high status as you move up the ranks of experts, to become IntChats #1 interpreter! Join now & together, we'll make Inchat the best language resource on the web! Which ever country you originate from, whether you're here to teach or to learn, if you speak the local dialect, you could make a huge contribution to IntChat! Simply create a new Topic & name it after your language. Please then add as many phrases possible, & translate them into as many other languages that you know! View the Topic:- Bulgarian, for e.g...

Group Founder: intchat
Group Type: Public join
Members: 2
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (2)
intchat March 2007
Bulgarian2 (0)
(((Japanese-Bulgarian)))>4)Watashi no namae wa Kyoko desu-Az se kazvash Kyoko... (((Israeli-Bulgarian)))>1) Shalom-Zdrasti... (((Greek-Bulgarian)))>1)
intchat March 2007
Bulgarian (0)
(((English-Bulgarian)))>1) Yes-Da... 2) No-Ne... 3) Please/You're welcome-Molya... 4) Sorry-Suzal'yavam... 5) Excuse me-Izvin'ete... (((Spanish-Bulgar

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