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Star Hypegang
Welcome to the hype gang

Maiko tenji

Group Founder: leoncaster
Group Type: Public join
Members: 20
Category: Music > New Age

Topics (4)
pagan April 2015
Hollow festival of life (3)
Ok tommorow we honor those with otherwise acseptional achevments if you think you fit the bill it doesent have to be big just worth mention
leoncaster February 2015
Just for my buds (2)
Let no one drag u down cuz there haters ur better than they are and u know it and they know it thats way they hate but ur special an u out shine them
leoncaster September 2014
Swag boost (1)
Style n atitude makes somone forget who they at times so be careful
leoncaster September 2014
Carisma (0)
Somtimes being ur self is a thats needed to make an impression or inpack

Photos (1)

Polls (3)

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