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The society of youths in action~(sierra leone) is a humanitarian, non~profit organization with the mission to assist and support street children(orphans) and less privileged youths in our society.

Society of youths in action was born in 2014, out of the desire of helping orphans, homeless, affected or street children who suffered badly from ebola virus compounding their misery from the 11 years civil war which left them with little or no hope for the future. Children, women and youths became victims and their educational and developmental activities are affected in many ways.The society of youths in action is a child protection, gender and youths empowerment organization that was founded by a group of sierra leoneans humanitarian youths.

Group Founder: tejanjtu
Group Type: Public join
Members: 11
Category: Business, Work, and School > Companies

Topics (1)
tejanjtu June 2017
Survey On: Ebola Affected Children (3)
Society of youths in action started with a survey on ebole affected children in order to trace those children.The projet later expanded to cover a wid

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