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Star bajans-chat-room
it fun n entertaining

u cn meet alot of ppl frm barbados n in the caribbean 2 chat wit have fun with n enjoy wit the more ppl join the more fun its goin 2 b so dont wait join ur neua 2 l8 (smile)

Group Founder: shawn057
Group Type: Public join
Members: 47
Category: Chat Groups > By Age

Topics (4)
shawn057 June 2011
whats hot n wats not (1)
tell me the things thats is a gud influence 2 the younger people n tell me wats bad in there life
y0g3sh April 2010
Wap love (0)
What is the wap love is it true. Or only fake love = wap love.
shawn057 September 2008
the world 2day (0)
whats going on in barbados 2day
shawn057 September 2008
the cost of living in barbados (0)
what do u all think about the raising of the prices and how do it affect u

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