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Star SydneysSxyBiGirls

Hey K. here..I'm a 26yr old bis*xual girl from Sydney..wanted to create a meeting spot for all the bis*xual girls of Sydney so here it is s*xy girls..Bud me at Er0t1cbi or Sydbiinc..Mwah 2 all the baby girls of Sydney..come join the Sydney bi girls group

Group Founder: bibayb
Group Type: Public join
Members: 290
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (7)
er0t1cbi January 2022
s*xiest things [16]
What do u find s*xy about a woman..
jazzy_au September 2009
ur thoughts (0)
ive recently c*m back from USA and went to an adult party where no single males are allowed n couples M-F and single Females are welcum. How would u p April 2009
invitation (0)
you are invited to join group
soph23 May 2008
im new (2)
hey im frm the uk hope ya dnt mind that i joined. hope 2 chat 2 u all soon.x
badplay1 February 2008
Newcastle! (1)
hey! we r a newcastle cpl. both young bi and fun. looking for hot ppl to join us!

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