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Star Disciples
Devoloping an understand of the one and true christ

Mainly to study God words. Showing love and loving our neighbours. Always putting God first. Widening your understanding and gaining knowlegde of our saviour, lets us come together as one.

Group Founder: charms19
Group Type: Public join
Members: 11
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (4)
charms19 June 2007
Are u a christain and why (1)
Yes because my father died 2 save me and i accept him in my life. I love and there isnt any better life
charms19 June 2007
How is your christain life (0)
Mines i meet trials but living for the lord is gud. I feel loved and secured is the best life out only regert is that i should of accept him earlier i
prince44 June 2007
Its something i have thought about over and over again. . . . are CHRISTIANS and BELIEVERS of CHRIST who are unmarried ALLOWED to be in RELATIONSHIPS?
charms19 June 2007
What do u think about christain dress code (0)
They should dress modestly. They should set an example to the world.

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