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Star generalscifi
group set up 4 fans of all science fiction

this is a group set up 4 people who like star wars, doctor who, star trek, etc

Group Founder: anakin75
Group Type: Public join
Members: 16
Category: Entertaintment & Media > General

Topics (5)
anakin75 November 2008
dr who (1)
general place 2 post queries, gripes, fave episode, enemy u lyk 2 c return from original series, who is the best dr?
anakin75 November 2008
favourite star trek series (4)
ok, what is evrybodies fave series, and why
nowca June 2008
Short story (1)
I'm working on an experiment on my wap site. I'm writing a short story using the blog function. It's a science fiction story I've been thinking abou
anakin75 October 2007
general star wars chat (3)
chat bout anythin star wars, fave episode, what wud u have liked 2 have seen, fave jedi, fave sith, etc
toddster August 2007
:: Sci fi websites database :: (4)
heres a list of the best fansites and oficial websites for all your favourite sci-fi shows and films.

Files (6)
tardis spin gif animation
tardis gif animation
cyberman black gif anim..
cyberman gif animation
dalek gif animation
ufo gif animation

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