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Star Darkwave
oldscool & new goth allso metal or any rocker welcom or freak

any 1 like bands like bauhaus .nephilim . the sisters . christiandeath . alian s*x fiend etc . or bands like metallica or sabbath or hawkind

Group Founder: rozz30
Group Type: Public join
Members: 195
Category: Music > Rock & Pop

Topics (16)
enryu October 2017
black metal (3)
can u stand black metal? iv heard many track from many such as gorgoroth, sothis, abgott, dimmu borgir etc.. but cant really get into yea then up goin
rozz30 October 2017
fav bands [32]
wots every1s favourte bands
goth00 March 2011
Goth book (2)
Lovers of the book The last cause is said to feed a new cause of a revoltion, in the Goth world the last cause coming soon to bookstores and
jamo72 November 2009
Fresh Unsigned. (0)
Hi Im new to Darkwave really like to chat and meet up with goth girls. I present an online radio show called Fresh Unsigned. Check out www.freshunsign
enryu May 2009
amon amarth (2)
any fans of viking metal band amon amarth. well some say it death metal with the viking style lyrics. i cant get enough of 'death in fire' track, ace.

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