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Star Capestad
4 all peace-luvin,reserved people,Admission reserved:NO under 20 plze

Group Founder: orenzar
Group Type: Public join
Members: 18
Category: Your City/Region > Africa

Topics (3)
roughe April 2007
Lets get 2 know each other. (6)
So which area u frm, just say a bit about urself.
jroach April 0
chatter (0)
anybody needin 2 chat, feel welcome! just drop a msg in my inbox and i will get back 2 ya. can chat about anything, i be here if u need an ear.
mr.b.boy April 0
18 W M (0)
Hey! Im plannin on movin to Capetown in December and Im coming there to visit soon. Im looking for sum female buds to chat to that I can maybe like, m

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