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Star LesbianPride
A genuine straight down the line lesbian chat room NO men on the perve get it.

A genuine lesbian chatroom for the real pink knotters to swap tongues, cry on shoulders, gossip the Lword and share the rainbow of being Butch, Fem or havent decideds!..Bring it on to all the 'Bi's' there REALY is no such thing you just hav'nt tasted the true the rainbow yet mmmwah...xFearlezf x

Group Founder: fearlezf
Group Type: Public join
Members: 237
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (10)
letenya October 2020
Wana get nauty n hot? (2)
d*mn am jst wet
letenya November 2012
Want a serious rlationshp (1)
Plz b honest,lets enjoy wat we r.
katch September 2012
Where is every1? [13]
Kinda quiet in dis place. is it new or wot? neway hey all
canddy89 April 2012
Sugarmum (0)
Looking for a serious sugarmum to call my own, preferably one from within Nrb.. Inbox me if you're interested.
baibyban January 2012
Lesbians within nairobi (0)
Any lesbo for sum gud ing 2nyt lemmie knw

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