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Star Shades-Of-The-Night
Goth Rock Art Occult Vamp -Friendly!

Anyone who find midnights soothing. All who are called by the moonlight. Or the ones who belong in the shadows. Welcome! Please be your self and be kind... ~Xx

Group Founder: nocturis
Group Type: Public join
Members: 38
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (2)
fmdracul June 2011
Are you worthy? (1)
Do you find that you l*st blood when you awake at night? Does light burn your flesh like nothing else? Do you think that there is something different
nocturis June 2011
Introductions [18]
Hello all. Everyone that I know and the ones that I dont. Hope this group will ignite some interesting topics. But, first introduce your self to the r

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