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Star xiiiaoangelClubz
pls dun make me sad, be xiiiao new friendsip lor, join ya :)

arlooo pipel at everywhere :o) nice to meet u, dun forget support and add xiiao angel group ya :) brand a new group @here ^~^ dun be shy to join my group ya, if u dun kno xiiao => how xiiao could kno u?? lets make friendship between us :) k?? make new ideas topic, critics, support, etc for me ya.. thank u for ur kind.. best regard: xiiiao angel

Group Founder: angell81
Group Type: Public join
Members: 73
Category: Chat Groups > By Location

Topics (8)
angell81 June 2015
people! (7)
Nice to meet u, pls join my group m0re yah..
angell81 April 2012
update file (3)
that file is ms red apple and her gank.. which is sum of them is my old school friend, ms red apple certainly is my univ friend of friend, she gets so
angell81 August 2008
** share loh ** (4)
im the number one of daughter that my mum and dad got, and i have 2 young bro who still study at different univ lah.. than im finish my school yet :)
angell81 October 2007
pretty angell81 (1)
yeah yeah yeah thanks g0d, nature beauty without make up simply, s0ry i hate black hair n black skin, if u want kn0w my PERFECT PICT: go to my other s
angell81 October 2007
my wedding day (1)
i dunt kn0w who is a guy could become my partner, d0 u kn0w when my wedding? im nt preparing yet.. i get missmatched trouble.. i really lurve that day

Polls (2)

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