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Star Carebears
we here 2 listen n solve ur problems

luv. trouble. gamblin. drugs. wateva ur problem is i wil try n find a solution 4 u wit da help of me or a professional person ok give me a try u have nuthang 2 loose pwmse u i wil ansa ur questions honestly n truthfully as i can n do bear in mind da truth hurts bt dnt hate me 4 it face da reality of da situation ok peace!

Group Founder: miguel22
Group Type: Public join
Members: 61
Category: Romance & Relationships > Advice

Topics (23)
niyogami June 2010
Enjoying s*x (7)
Please my babe always complain that i don't know how to romance and having s*x
dux June 2010
Heartbroken plz help any1? (3)
I was in dis stron relationship wit dis rich gal. She sed she loved me 4wo i was. We wer deeply in love 4bout 5months en she even gave up her virgini
martih May 2009
Need advice from all (2)
Am in love with a girl whose living clas* is higher than mine.I love her and she loves me.We r looking forwad 2b 2gether soon.Do I need anythng else a
ilikeme September 2008
I need advice (3)
Here's my problem. I was writing to this guy in prison for like four years. I fell in love with him and planned on getting together with him when he g
mbichica September 2008
I need advice frm everybody (3)
I'm in a Dom sub relationship and my Dom says he's always busy and he acts like he doesn't care whether we're 2gether or not. idk wat 2 do. should I s

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