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Star Reprisalz-lil-room
Buds only... (for now)

I have no idea wot these group things are.. but this is mine! So erm.. meh! x

Group Founder: reprise
Group Type: Public join
Members: 10
Category: Fun > General

Topics (4)
laires November 2008
lost (0)
who can tell me wen last you see cocoluv? am a dear fren
myregret April 2007
new (0)
you to add more than buds only now hun! show ur love for marky warky in a reply!
reprise March 2007
Mario VS Sonic (7)
Heres one for all you old-skool geeks lolz. Which one is better? Super Mario or Sonic the hedgehog? x
reprise March 0
Welcome (2)
HeeeeEwWoOo and welcome to my lil room. Your free to do woteva you want! I dont care! So have fun! Currently this a group I made only for my buds, so

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