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Star HighlyContagious
Fashion Label

This is a space where u can find out info about my fashion label.(prices,style,trends,colours.etc...).Virus is the name of the label,which is a brain child of Mawande Kweyi.The designer is originally from East London in a small township called eMbekweni, on the outskirts of Mdantsane(the second largest township in SA). It waz establised in 2005 @ the age of 21 hence the number 21 is a representative of the label on some garments.I design 4 the young at heart especially iiteenagerz and 20somethingz. The designz r young,fresh,innovative cutting edge ,and no design is exactlly lyk the other. Come and oder blazerz,jeanz,casual cotton dresses .iwewe.waistcoats,designer caps, jackets,and much much more. The designz are all about no rulez no one haz 2 tel u what 2 wear, its all about how u wear it and the way it makes u feel(FEEL CHUFFED UBENOMOYA). Come and get your unique look for a reasonable price.(WARNING: LIKE ANY VIRUS THE CLOTHING IS HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS :SO GO ON! Spread the VIRUS!!) Feel free 2 ask me anything about the label, fashion etc -click on FILES 2 view the dezigner and some of his dezignz OR VISIT MAKHELI.PRODIGITS.CO.UK 2 oder and find out more about the dezigner and hz dezignz.

Group Founder: makheli
Group Type: Public join
Members: 14
Category: Arts & Culture > Fashion

Topics (4)
makheli February 2008
Orderz (0)
This is where u can place ur order for whateva u want (describe what u want and al let u knw whe 2 come 2 do fittingz/measurements)
makheli February 2008
Prices (2)
2Find out about pricez of anything u want.
makheli February 2008
Trendz (0)
U wanna know the latest trendz? What the colourz r for le season? What can u add 2 u VIRUS jeans 2 make them look formal 4 lamtshato or isifihlo ozaku
makheli February 2008
Style (0)
If u have a question about ur style and what 2 wear ,2 where. Advice on how 2 wear sum of my wicked designz. Sondela ndizokubonisa

Photos (17)


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