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Star Pokemaniacs
Pkmn discussions, tips, hints, gts and wi-fi trade, fc etc (all legitimate pkmn titles welcome)

Hey there fellow pokemaniac's, yes i know, another pokemon group.. Hea'z what i hope to do, i'd like to trade game hints and tips, discuss favourites and battle tactics, bragging rights over shiny pokemon caught or bred, contest tips.. Gamers of every legitimate pokemon title welcome. I'm also hoping to get some great links and pics as well, any ideas feel free to inbox me! Thankyou!

Group Founder: za_tygra
Group Type: Public join
Members: 21
Category: Games > Nintendo

Topics (6)
za_tygra January 2011
To all active members (1)
I don't come online here on prodigits that often, but i will try to check up here at least every week.. Let's try to build up our group- suggestions a
jo5hu4 August 2009
online in a while (5)
i cant trade online yet cos i not got a wifi USB for DS but have lots of strong pokemon, alot at lv100 and no hacks! But some are over trades though.
jo5hu4 August 2009
wanna battle? (2)
i use 6 lv100s in my party and none are rare because i dont find it fair but if you use some then i will just use them back anyways (also my DS isnt s
za_tygra March 2008
Chaining pokemon (0)
I just got my first shiny pokemon thru chaining, itz only a starly, but i'm happy with that for my first! I've just added a new link to my links page
za_tygra March 2008
Pokefarm link (0)
Check out this site for handy tips and information, you can also arrange trades- but if you're caught trading a hacked pokemon you get a big red 'H' a

Polls (2)

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