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Groups » lestommy's Groups
users gaylesbian > lestommy's Groups (Joined):

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Formed on 10th June 2010 to replace all those Boring Kenyan Groups on Prodigts.It has topics ranging from sports,hookups,rltnshps,hanyes..,2gther with all genres of music and pics.
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Want sum1 leave ur name an we'l do da work
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For all gays and lesbians to come,chat and share your views amongst the likes of you.
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Come and share problems and receive advice, or give your own advice to someone else. Caring and sharing-that's the idea anyway.
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, dating, relationship, marriage, single, match, online, lesbian, gay , single matchmaking, Caucasian singles
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For lesbians who are tired of acting straight while their hearts scream out their s*xuality.For those of us who seriously want long term relationships and true love.
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A group 4 lesbs who r real tomboys
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This group is open to all married women out there that are bi-s*xual and ready to have a good time.
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lesbian group

* gaylesbian
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