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Star Struggelingaddicts
Share experiences and give advice to one another all races and religions welcome. THE TOPIC IS ADDICTIONS etc Drugs alcohol eating perfectionist gambling etc whatever your addiction is can be overcome with LOVE for ONE ANOTHER.THIS IS YOUR (SAFE NEST)

You can speak for yourself or a loved one.HERE WE MUST CARE FOR ONE ANOTHER.x x x I pray for Gods guidance + protection in this room.x x x

Group Founder: shepherd
Group Type: Public join
Members: 12
Category: Religion & Beliefs > General

Topics (1)
bbystar March 2012
addiction (0)
Hey,im struggling with a n addiction. Its so hard 2 stop n i rily want 2. Sme1 goin thru the same plz hala or any1 hu cn help. God bless

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