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Star Thisisourspace
Goths/Em0s! Plce 4 u to write whatever y0u want. Who cares what anyone thinks about us!

Is it ok to be both? I got a friend thats a bit messed up. Haha and i wana knw if u can be b0th.

Group Founder: pindoll6
Group Type: Public join
Members: 3
Category: Your City/Region > Africa

Topics (4)
pindoll6 July 2008
What they think!!! (0)
Time and time again we get shat on for the things we do. For the things we say. Why cant they all just shut up and let us be!
pindoll6 June 2008
Toxic Th0ughts! (1)
Intr0specti0n cAN Lead to self-impr0vement but when that p0ndering turns into a p0unding headache, its time to t0ne it all d0wn.M0rbid meditati0n im
pindoll6 April 2008
Anais Nin (0)
love never dies a natural death. It dies beacuase we dont kn0w h0w to replenish it source. It dies of blindness and err0rs and betrayals. It dies of w
pindoll6 March 2008
Standing Strong! (1)
Standing Str0ng Against The Waves Of Society! She puts on her face! Inside her she kn0ws this is n0t what she wants! Each painful day is yet a struggl

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