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Star in-love-till-death
how to keep the fire of love in ur relationship burning

the tips u need to knw when ur partner is playing or faithful

Group Founder: luxy21
Group Type: Public join
Members: 78
Category: Romance & Relationships > Relationships

Topics (3)
luxy21 January 2011
what if... (4)
what if u fall in love with ur best friends spouse. what would u do? put ur self in all positions.
aphse55 July 2009
Lonelynez (0)
Lonelynez melted ma hat so diply that even samtymz i cnt understand myself evrything turnin blue,wat can i do?
luxy21 July 2009
break-ups! (3)
would u rather go to ur partner and say its over or would u rather fustrate him/her out of d relationship? aw exactly Shuld a relationship be broken?

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