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Star Devilsrejects
For social outcasts and people who always live on the peripheral

Everyone welcome, come together and be one among brothers and sisters

Group Founder: weespoon
Group Type: Public join
Members: 13
Category: Music > Rock & Pop

Topics (7)
cybipunk April 2009
Where ? (1)
Where did Weespoon go ??? looking_for.gif x If anyone see's him they win a mystery prize pmpl.gif x
cybipunk May 2008
Do you feel safe ? (4)
Have a look at the pic file 'do u feel safe?' x What do u think about this image ? police.gif x Does it make u feel secure or does it fill u with fear ?
cybipunk May 2008
Sign in x [12]
If you have joined this group please sign in here and say hello x wave.gif
cybipunk May 2008
Protest rallys and marches (1)
Have you ever felt strongly enough about a cause to goto a protest rally or march ? x If you have what was it for and do you think it made a differenc
cybipunk May 2008
Your identity [17]
Do you identify yourself as belonging 2 a group of society ? x If you do which and why ? x Or do u shy away from such labels ?

Files (9)
Do u feel safe ?
Reclaim the Streets flyer
Stole my soul
Resist Capitalism
Otis pic
Devils Rejects 2

Polls (4)

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