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Star LoveSuspense
Just a group where memberz talk bout what they fink bout wap come join d suspence.

Meet ppl from FAR n WIDE, n get the suspence of wanting 2 meet 'em....just get ready 4 a thriller...(e.g: where do u live?...i live behind ur house...)hahaha...lmao.

Group Founder: c.dude
Group Type: Public join
Members: 16
Category: Romance & Relationships > Romance

Topics (2)
flipmo1 October 2009
wap relationship (0)
do wap relationship realy work?
c.dude May 2008
Neighbour chatmate or bud. (0)
Can u believe dat one culd b chatting wit his neighbour without knowing? Well, dat was wat happened 2 my very close friend.l0l. D dude had been chatti

Polls (2)

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