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Star DocnMoseiStorytym

Write stories about whatever you like as long as it is clean. they can be sad, funny, serious, inspirational, etc. Please try to keep comments & criticisms positive and encouraging. have fun and enjoy. Doc & Mosei.

Group Founder: drromana
Group Type: Public join
Members: 13
Category: Arts & Culture > Art

Topics (11)
oubaas March 2011
Fathers love letter (1)
Father's Love Letter - English My Child You may not know me, but I know everything about you Psalm 139:1 I know when you sit dow
anglhart January 2009
The Less Fortunate (1)
When you think about it we are all little children in the eyes of the Father. So do not mistreat the less fortunate, the ones that may have a difficul
anglhart January 2009
Comfort in the armsof an angel (2)
In the arms of an angel, I can find some comfort there. For in the arms of an angel is where I want to be when I am down and out the only othe place I
oubaas January 2009
DECEMBER 2008 MARY CHRISTMAS Mary will have a Son, and you will name Him Jesus - because He will save His people from their sins (Matt 1:21)
mywhys January 2009
OF MY OWN ! (2)
Solitary at midnight, I search the fields alone. Walking the old hills of THE WEARY with the beautiful GOD by my side; Canyons of I, The despised,Th

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