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Star SymbianHacker
apps and tips about hacking your OS9 phone

if you want to learn how to hack your phone (OS9 and later)and what you can do with a hacked phone join my group:)

Group Founder: stefdag
Group Type: Public join
Members: 303
Category: Technology, Internet & Wireless > Symbian

Topics (11)
stefdag May 2011
Change Browser Agent (5)
with this way you can change the browser agent or the phone model showing on sites like vodafone live or google. Copy from z:/private/10202be9
sajeerak September 2010
where??? (0)
where is the hacking steps here? I can't find it.... Its in which folder?
stefdag September 2009
Install Unsigned Apps (14)
with this you will be able to hack your phone without PC. also you will be able to install unsigned apps directly to your phone without signing it.
stefdag August 2009
menu editor +menu editor mod (14)
with this apps you can change the look of the folders and also rename every app/folder on your phone. the only difference is that the mod can also
marouane June 2009
How to hack (1)
Can u tell me plz how to hack n96 v20.050

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