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Star Tithingtime
malachi 3:10

Being a prisoner who had be living under D wings of God's protection in D valley of death for D past 8yrs, I made it my obligation to please D God of glory in all His commands. In regard to my obligation, being prisoner having nothing to tithe into D house of God, i decide to tithe 10 % every 24hrs into D house of God by exploring & proclaming D gospel trough this forum, that D God of glory may be glorified in my chain. May u be bless as you stop here day by day to refresh your spirit with D blessed word of life. If u have any question concerning the word of life withing or outside this forum, or any prayer request, send your questions or request to Be, and remain bless in christ amen.

Group Founder: apostle4
Group Type: Public join
Members: 14
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (49)
busty23x September 2011
Are there no ies in here?? (0)
only borin god stuff
solvent1 April 2010
Tithing (2)
Please tell us what God says about t*thing.
apostle4 June 2009
Blessed be the name of God almighty for His immense mercy, forbearance, kindness, and incomparable love invested in the redemption of man, from the ig
apostle4 May 2009
I'm the bread of life. He who come to me shall never hunger, and he who believe in Me shall never thirst..John 6:35. Beloved children of God, is a
apostle4 May 2009
'In a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay..2TIMOTHY 2:20. To all beloved in Christ, let each person e

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