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Star Hair
Top hair styles,cuts,colors.What people like.Professional hair dressers.

I'm a hair desinger,i want to know your opinion about hair and other things.

Group Founder: icyberg
Group Type: Public join
Members: 32
Category: Arts & Culture > Fashion

Topics (3)
alexgrl October 2008
My hair (1)
It goes thick n cant find a style i like that wont make me look like a boy. any straightening tips? and i got a thinning sissors how do i use t
silvedew September 2007
any forth commin ideas wld be welcomed,am lookin 4 somtin interestisn to work n,4an competition entry.
silvedew September 2007
doubts.! (1)
chosen 2 start up wit hairdressin.3yr course.6mnts completed,nw doubts if pays gud enough 4a ful day?.geez.any advise

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