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U made me do this

Ex love

Group Founder: jojoy
Group Type: Public join
Members: 21
Category: Romance & Relationships > Heartbreak

Topics (5)
m00ndyke August 2008
Promise u (6)
When the pic around u bring tears to ur eyes nd all that suraund u was secrets nd lies i be ur strenge i give u hope keeping ur faith when its gone on
jojoy July 2008
Born to make u happy (3)
Im sitting here alone with in my room nd thinking bout the times that we been thru im looking at a pic in my hand trying my best to understand i reall
jojoy July 2008
Hell if i (1)
I thought we had something spesial tho i might have mist a line i thought we had something pressures even if i messt up i knw i lost my right to judge
jojoy July 2008
Hell no (4)
U looked me in my face nd had the nerve to say that chick that called u on ur cell wasent at ur place the stupid things u do u gotta be a fool u took
jojoy July 2008
F.U.R.B (7)
(U knw there r two sides of every story)

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