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This sites purpose is to unite pagans of all traditional genre

In our pagan communities we have our own differances. So much so that at times we fail to recognize each others validity and traditions. We fail to embrace each other in this society of degenerate views.

Group Founder: azsam77
Group Type: Public join
Members: 15
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Occult

Topics (2)
azsam77 May 2012
Pagan Coalition (4)
Each pagan tradition has its own alliance;as it should. But it should also have a multi-faith pagan alliance one that governs the image and public re
azsam77 April 2012
Disaster Aide (1)
In many events pagans effected by disasters have to turn to Christian groups for aid. But where do they turn to for spiritual and moral support. There

Polls (2)

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