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A group for anyone who wants to share their vision for the world. Also provide Questions and solutions on how and what we can do to save the world.

This group is created for anyone who is concerned about the well being of humanity. People with a world vision, either political, scientific Join this group and let us help solve the problems of OUR world.

Group Founder: damnrock
Group Type: Public join
Members: 15
Category: People > Alternative

Topics (3)
penta August 2008
Consider what u do... (2)
Do u throw ur rubbish on da ground while in da streets or think of how much waste u produce?
damnrock July 2008
Global Warming (0)
This is a topic we r starting to meet everyday. Because its what scientists r connecting to the drastic weather changes.And with evrything bein done t
damnrock July 2008
To all the new members (0)
Thanks a lot for joining my group. I believe that together, we will help each other achieve the goals we want to reach. To the benfit of our world tha

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