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Star CampusChat
Students of Class

Dis a group 4 all students in a higher level of studies,share ur campus lyfstyle n everything interesting.

Group Founder: 2blessed
Group Type: Public join
Members: 5
Category: Business, Work, and School > School

Topics (5)
vagga January 2013
vagga (0)
how does it fillz 2 b a student @westlake campus now tht de is so many different culturez in de campus...du u associates ur self wth otha different cu
tiya_luv July 2008
Student life (3)
how do u c student life? tell us abt ur life as a student/teenager, if u r livin in a hostel also say hw it is livin there!
2blessed July 2008
Is this ur dream? (3)
Sum of us find themselves doin wat they never wanted 2 do,tell us ur story n how r u coping with ur current course.
2blessed July 2008
Knowing me knowin u. (4)
U can start by introducing urself n which campus r u in.
2blessed July 2008
Welcome home. (0)
Hi everybody,thanx 4 being part of dis family,feel free 2 post as many topics as possible regardin ur student lyf.banana.gif

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