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Star Eve-Online
A place to find and meet people who play Eve Online and its expansions.

Eve Online is currently rated as the second-best MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game), after World of Warcraft. When released in 2003, it won a number of prestigous awards, including Best PC Game Graphics. Since then, Eve has attracted 100 000 users who play on the same server, and has evolved with the aid of a number of expansion packs, and is set to expand oncemore with the release of Eve Online: Kali in Q3 2006. Eve has also set the record for the most users online on a single MMORPG server...over 26000 users. In its short existence, Eve has managed to obtain an average rating of 90, which is a fairly unmatchable feat, considering Eve is CCP's first game. For more information, go to

Group Founder: imblunt
Group Type: Public join
Members: 10
Category: Games > RPG

Topics (2)
janesilk June 2009
Players (3)
R there any?
imblunt June 2009
Introduce Yourself (2)
Here you can post your in-game name so that others can contact you. Feel free to post other IM addies as well :)

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