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Star KiNgsTOn-MaGiC
GaY/Bi chAt gROuP 4 aLL KINGstoN RUdE BwoYs

UncenSoREd gROUp. So iF U NuH LIKe d vYBz, NuH ENtA, UziMi. IF u likE D vYbZ FeeL FReE 2 replY To topICs oF YEr interESt anD poSt neW ONeS!

Group Founder: miyute
Group Type: Public join
Members: 28
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (8)
battyguy August 2010
rIsKy BiZniZ (3)
hail! wat a d craziest/ riskiest ting u eva do wid a guy whether in public or private?
miyute April 2009
PoLL (0)
Plz ChecK My PoLL oUT ON mY wAp SITE..ZEEN
miyute January 2009
3 or Not!! (0)
I have A fren Who sez That their PartneR is boreD witH s*x seeIn that They Have tried everYthing...(theY r not Bored of The partner..juS s*x in Genera
miyute January 2009
PsSs! (7)
ThIs 4 aLL D THUGs--- iF U c A GuY U REAllY DIg stariNg aT U BuT U HAv doubtS BOuT TheY s*xUALItY. HOw woULd u appROAcH theM. (REPLy anD LEt mE C HOw
xoiceox January 2009
Y don't some tops like fem btm (1)
I think my topic says it all

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