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Star emtalk
this group is strictly 4 mature young guys nd guls..right here,u can express ur self in any kine of talk about rlship,s*x life nd evn d games bhind rlship...

this grp gives u acess 2 say ur mind in any kind of stuff involv in a rlatioship.....nd also givs u acess 2 talk dirty about s*xlife.u can teach ur frnd hw 2 handle a fallen rlship...u can also talk about tins dt makes a rlship free wt us in this grp...anything!

Group Founder: emcon
Group Type: Public join
Members: 7
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (2)
emcon July 2009
True lurv (0)
Wat is true luv in a relationshp?Wat is it lik?Wat makes it true?....Luv is smtin we cnt realy tel hw it works.Smtyms we blive its ther,bt we cnt say
emcon August 2008
love and s*x. (0)
luv nd s*x ar 2 diff. thins al 2geha.they culd be luv wt s*x nd luv wtout s*x nd as wel they culd be s*x wtout culd be 4 a reason.i knw of

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