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Welcome to Tottenham Hotspur FansOnline, the Spurs site for the fans, by the fans. Share the agony and the ecstasy of being a true fan with other like-minded supporters in our online community. Talk to people who feel your pain or spread the joy! FansOnline is the UK's biggest independent sports network. We are dedicated to bringing you up to the minute news on the teams and sports you are passionate about, and giving you the chance to have your say. For we only know that there's gonna be a show, and the Tottenham Hotspur will be there.

Group Founder: headwork
Group Type: Public join
Members: 3
Category: Sports & Fitness > Football

Topics (1)
headwork August 2008
Forgiving Berbatov? (0)
Not sure why... Human Nature? I was watching Berba's goals yesterday, and when you see the joy in peoples faces. He was becoming, if not an actual

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