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Star Soulmates2008
Ur Hot! s*xy! Gorgeous! Cute! Yummy! Sweet!.... An' tha list goes on an' on... But ya look 'round an' nobody, absolutely no one seems to impress ya much. Well, look no further cuz ya finally found tha right spot. Meet yo dream gurl / boy right 'ere!!

Ya've been looking for that special somebody for sometime now. Well, looks like tha search is almost over. One thing we're gonna ask of ya tho and tha rest is up to us. Register now and let us hook ya to your soulmate!!!!

Group Founder: 96chimz
Group Type: Public join
Members: 159
Category: Chat Groups > By Topic

Topics (22)
tamanna3 January 2012
Need Uploads an good forum posters (0)
Need good forum posters an some music game etc uploaders to make my site a sucsess plz join
96chimz April 2011
Does the size really matter?
96chimz January 2010
Love & Money [9]
Who would ya rather be with? A broke and loving partner or a rich and arrogant one?
tilaque May 2009
A case of 'amnesia' (3)
Why do we alwys fall 4th same ol lies our partnrs tl us,forgtn hw much it hurt th last tym,we lt thm crawl bk in2 our lives!is ths a case of amnesia?t
ochiv777 May 2009
The size factor (0)
Yea man, i wna knw. Wuld u go 4 a big mama, medium sizd ama a slim chiq. Reason?

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