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Star Smooth-Luvin
U may've kissed 1001 frogs in yo persuit 4 luv. Da ugliest of da frogs even end up hurtin u so badly dat u resolved 2 stayin stayin single cuz ur afraid of anotha heartbreak. Well, thank God u made it ere cuz we got smooth luvin jus 4 u... Pmplmao!!

U r heartbroken u r ta be haunted by yo past xperiences erytime u mean sum1 u like. U end up supressin yo feelings optin' not to xpress 'em. Hey lo! U gotta pick urself up an' move on. Till will u stop cryin over spilt milk?

Group Founder: 96chimz
Group Type: Public join
Members: 8
Category: Romance & Relationships > Heartbreak

Topics (5)
96chimz April 2009
Hoe dating (1)
Guyz would u date a w ?
96chimz September 2008
What would u do? (1)
Would u date sum1 who iz already established or tha one working his way up?
96chimz September 2008
Little dirty secrets (0)
Would tell ur spouse those little dirty secrets bout urself that only u know about?
96chimz September 2008
Who cheats mostly? (0)
In most relationships who are tha cheats, iz it men or women and why?
96chimz September 2008
Age and Luv (0)
Would u date sum1 younger than u are and vice versa? Why?

Polls (5)

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