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Star SXyFaCeZ
s*xy facez are for s*xy people. Age 17 upward are allowed

People with s*xy eyes, s*xy lips are proudly invited with pics. If you are not up to 17 your are not invited

Group Founder: dollysho
Group Type: Public join
Members: 18
Category: Picture Groups > People

Topics (7)
lunar September 2009
First s*x... (0)
Can ne1 share their 1st s*xual experience... Mine was...
adebanji October 2008
Whats ur view abt gay n lesbian? Do u fink d soceity shuld allow dem as it wos in sum developd country? Can u av 1 as ur b0ssom frnd?
adebanji October 2008
Wap lovers (6)
Do u bliv in WAP LOVERS?
adebanji October 2008
ViRgINITY??? (5)
What is so special about a virgin gal?
lunar October 2008
Relationships (5)
Is it possible for a relationship between two people in love to last without s*x?

Polls (3)

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