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Are you gunner for life?

Are you a gunner for life? Thru good and thru bad? Do you swear solemnly to remain a gunner, a did hard and nothing but but a fanatic, so help you God? IF YES, YOU ARE IN FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND CONTRIBUTE

Group Founder: osolo98
Group Type: Public join
Members: 4
Category: Technology, Internet & Wireless > Mobile Phones

Topics (16)
osolo98 November 2009
Massacre at emirates (0)
As usual, a*senal did all the playing as chelsea did all the scoring. Extremely poor finishing touch from the gunners
osolo98 November 2009
Kick in the a*se by sunderland (0)
How a*senal just lose a game that they should have won totally beats my understanding. Still i have lots of faith in this season. Last season i do not
osolo98 February 2009
Arsenal in trouble (0)
With Aston villa knocked out of FA CUP a*senal are in real big trouble. One cup less to fight for, more energy and resources to the premier league, th
osolo98 February 2009
Wenger, a*senal, get serious! (0)
Everyone can see a serious need for new players at a*senal. a*senal was expected to have been the most busy club in the market for defenders and anoth
osolo98 January 2009
Astounding v.Persie (0)
This guy can turn. I think Dutch men are just blessed with this gift, the way he can receive a ball and turn to shoot in a fraction of a second. When

Polls (1)

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