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True meaning of life

Its all about the suggestions,opinions,ideas about life romance and relationships that will add to our knowledge to know the true meaning of life to lead us live happily in this world...

Group Founder: rla76
Group Type: Public join
Members: 3
Category: Romance & Relationships > General

Topics (4)
rla76 March 2009
Engangement (2)
Long engangement is it advisable before married?
rla76 March 2009
Courtship and dating (0)
Courtship and dating before engagement are still exist in our present time?
rla76 March 2009
Life (1)
Is life is'nt fair?
rla76 March 2009
How relation started? (1)
Relations begin at home our parents and the family members is our first example on how to built a harmonious relation for each of the family member...

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