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Groups » judaism's Groups
users Abraham > judaism's Groups (Joined):

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Ps 119:103 How sweet are your words to my taste; sweeter than honey to my mouth! English version of Excellent Afrikaans christian teachings in here!
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This group was found for the REMNANT of God,for those who say LORD purify my spirit and my soul,for those who are called of God to minister his heart and mind in wapland.for those who would rather spend time home with God rather than being at the mall
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Belajar Tauhid
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a place for u too leave prayer requests and have ppl all over pray over u and u to pray over others
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Welcome to HEALINGSTREAMS! the Believers' WAP group that will restore your thirsty soul through prophetic messages and prayers.
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Hi friends, its been a minet since we posted topics, thanks you for joining this group.I appreciate you. I pray Psalm 112 over u . ( (follow@smsurbowy on twitter and fb). I love u so much.
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This site is For Muslims and Protestants and Catholics
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Forum bg pr pecinta Rasulullah SAW. Mencintai Rasulullah SAW adalah suatu keharusan. Tdk dikatakan iman kl tdk mencintai Rasulullah SAW.
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_Accurate knowledge leads to everlasting life. (1Ti 2:3,4;John 17:3) I'm inviting you to join our bible-study. Here, you will find the answers to life's big questions: WHO REALLY IS GOD? HOW CAN YOU FIND THE TRUE RELIGION? WHAT IS GOD'S KINGDOM? And more!

* Abraham
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