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Star Biblefacts
This group is meant for d heavenly citizens only. 'Strive 2 enter through the narrow gate,for many,i say to you,will seek to enter and will not be able.(luke 13 verse 24)

*Post bible facts with scriptural references (rev 22 vs 18-19). Eg ...But who so ever says 'you fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire(matt 5 vs 22).*Ask questions on facts in the bible(matt 7 vs 7).Eg who was the first hunter in the bible? (gen 10 vs 9).*post your past or present sins here. Jesus will help you to quit sinful life(1john 1 vs 9).My name is Tosin. One of my past sin s was . It started when i was 14 yrs old. I d for years. Nobody taught me how to . It was a terrible sin before God. The devil tormented me with poverty,sickness,failure in my school,loneliness etc. When i gave my life to Jesus christ,this terrible sin stopped in my life. I began to experience peace,joy,success,favour,blessings etc. My brethen in the lord, Jesus can help you to overcome that secret sin you are still commiting. He did it in my life. (Please give your life to Jesus now.)

Group Founder: nims1
Group Type: Public join
Members: 22
Category: Religion & Beliefs > Christianity

Topics (15)
nims1 July 2020
Who are you? (0)
You are the image of God. Gen1:27. You should reflect the nature of God and function like Him
nims1 May 2015
Consequence (0)
Think twice. Sin may be forgiven but not consequence. Gal 6 : 7 be not deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth, the same he shall reap
nims1 November 2012
2nd coming of Jesus (0)
Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come, except there come the falling away first and that the man of sin be revealed, the son
nims1 November 2012
Love (2)
He who does not love does not know God,for is love(1jn 4 v 8).
nims1 July 2012
Holines (2)
Holines is the key 2 the gate of heaven.d cowardly, unbelieving,abominable,murderers,s*xual immoral,sorcerers,idolaters and liars are not holy.( Rev 2

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